How to transfer funds between Coinbase wallet and Coinbase?
If you are using Coinbase exchange alongside Coinbase wallet, then transferring funds between the two platforms is not a hurdle. However, there are some pre-conditions for initiating the transfers and you must know about them if you are planning to carry out any such task. Before you initiate the process, please understand that these transfers do not take place instantly which means you have to be patient once you complete the process. Meanwhile, if you are sending funds, make sure that you do not send the complete amount that is available in your account. This is because you have to keep some funds in reserve in order to pay for the gas fees. For example, if you are planning to send ERC-20 tokens from your Coinbase wallet, having some ETH in reserve is a must. In case you do not wish to carry out the process manually, then you can also link your Coinbase account and the wallet together. So, if you have understood all these aspects carefully, then you can start applying the steps given...