How to withdraw crypto out of MetaMask Extension?
As we all know, MetaMask is a crypto wallet where we dump our crypto assets for their safe storage. In case, you have just gotten started with using this wallet service on your device via the MetaMask extension, then you might be interested to know a few of its usage procedures. Similar to this, new users often end up looking for ways to fund their wallets or take money out of their accounts. Hence, in today's post, I will be making it pretty easier for you to withdraw the deposited crypto assets to your preferred exchange account. Further, these crypto assets can be withdrawn to a bank account and cashed out. Well, you'll be glad to know that the process to convert your crypto assets into fiat currency is pretty simple and you do not need to go through a hurdle-some process to get the things done. However, if you are someone who does not have the slightest ideas to get things done, then you surely need some guidance on the same. In short, you need to follow a two-stage process...